| 1. | Cases of curing chronic antrum gastrititis by dredging and dissolveing the stagnant 疏通化瘀法治疗慢性胃窦炎78例78 |
| 2. | Chronic antral gastritis prevalence among rural residents in kaijiang county of sichuan province 四川省开江县农村居民慢性胃窦炎患病情况调查 |
| 3. | Gastric cancer is predominantly a cancer of men and it is frequently located in the distal stomach 胃癌在男性中属于高发的一种癌症,经常发生于胃窦部。 |
| 4. | Effects of highly selective vagotomy and antroseromuscular layer - pylorus preserved hemigastrectomy on motility of gastric stump 高选迷切加保留胃窦部浆肌层半胃切除对胃运动功能的影响 |
| 5. | Levi s , et al . campylobacter pylori and dudenal ulcers : the gastrin link . lancet , 1989 , 1 : 1167 赵逵,等.幽门螺杆菌感染患者胃窦肿瘤坏死因子-与胃泌素含量的关系.中华消化杂志, 1995 (增刊) : 39 |
| 6. | Methods study the interrelationship of syndromes through the measurement and content of gasticmucosa growth inhibition change 方法用放射免疫测定法对血浆及胃窦部黏膜组织提取物作生长抑素含量测定。 |
| 7. | 4 degree of physiologic dgr has a negative relationship with hp infection , the former may weaken hp settling down on gastric muc 4健康青年人群dgr的髓与hp的感染呈反比,生理性dgr可能ahp在胃窦的定植。 |
| 8. | 3 physiologic dgr can not induce inflammation of mucosa . in healthy , the chronic inflammation may be mainly due to hp infection 3生理范围的dgr并不引起胃窦就膜炎症,后者的发生主要与即的感染有关。 |
| 9. | Pathological changes of gastric mucosa in helicobacter pylori infected chronic gastritis treated with bismuth potassium citrate , clarithromycin and tinidazole 克拉霉素和替硝唑治疗慢性胃炎的胃窦粘膜病理学改变 |
| 10. | Objective to approach the diagnosis based on overall analysis of epigastralgia of traditional chinese medicine and relevant content of gastricmucosa growth inhibition 摘要目的探讨胃脘痛中医辨证分型与胃窦黏膜内生长抑素含量关系。 |