He has the perfect body scale : wide sholder and slender haunch 他拥有最完美的身体比例:肩宽而腰瘦。
Looking at the new - type camera , the young man with broad shoulders was surprised with his mouth wide open 看着那个新型相机,那个肩宽背阔的年轻人惊奇得张大了嘴巴。
3 . turn your body to the right , shifting your weight onto your right foot . draw your left foot on its toes next to your right foot . make an arc up and round to the right with your right hand until your arm is at shoulder height 起势:重心落于右腿,左脚脚跟轻轻提起,左脚向左平行开步,脚尖先地,重心移向两脚之间,左脚落实,两脚宽度同肩宽或略宽于肩。
I had never seen the squire so near at hand . he was a t ; man , over six feet high , and broad in proportion , and he had a bluff , rough - and - ready face , all roughened and redden and lined in his long travels 我从来没在这么近的距离里看过乡绅,他是个高个子,约有六英尺多高,肩宽与身高相称,有一张坦诚的还算看得过去的面孔,在长期的漫游过程中变得粗糙和发红,同时布满了皱纹。
In another companya lucky one , for not all had vodkathe soldiers stood in a group round a broad - shouldered , pock - marked sergeant , who was tilting a keg of vodka , and pouring it into the covers of the canteens held out to him in turn 在另一个更走运的连队里,不是人人都有伏特加酒,士兵们挤成一团,站在那麻面肩宽的上士周围,这名上士侧着小桶,向那依次地搁在手边的军用水壶盖子中斟酒。
Detailed demonstrations and designs for each module ' s scheme are given , including diameter and length contacting module , mass contacting module , dishing depth contacting module , photoelectric microscope non - contacting module , verticality contacting module and data acquisition module . after design , strict accuracy analyses for each measuring module are given 该文对各测量模块的测量方案进行了详细的论证和设计,包括直径高度接触式测量模块、质量接触式测量模块、碟形深度接触式测量模块、倒角肩宽碟宽非接触式测量模块、垂直度接触式测量模块以及数据采集模块的设计。
And with that he took the bloody old towser by the scruff of the neck and , by jesus , he near throttled him . the figure seated on a large boulder at the foot of a round tower was that of a broadshouldered deepchested stronglimbed frankeyed redhaired freely freckled shaggybearded wide - mouthed largenosed longheaded deepvoiced barekneed brawnyhanded hairylegged ruddyfaced sinewyarmed hero 坐在圆形炮塔脚下大圆石上的那个人生得肩宽胸厚,四肢健壮,眼神坦率,红头发,满脸雀斑,胡子拉碴,阔嘴大鼻,长长的头,嗓音深沉,光着膝盖,膂力过人,腿上多毛,面色红润,胳膊发达,一副英雄气概。
His eyes were blue , his complexion rubicund , his figure almost portly and well - built , his body muscular , and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days . his brown hair was somewhat tumbled ; for while the ancient sculptors are said to have known eighteen methods of arranging minerva s tresses , passepartout was familiar with but one of dressing his own : three strokes of a large - tooth comb completed his toilet 他的脸相当胖,胖得自己都能看到自己的颧骨。他身躯魁梧,肩宽腰圆,肌肉结实,而且力大非凡。他所以有这样健壮的体格,都是他青年时代锻炼的结果,他那棕色的头发总是乱蓬蓬的,如果说古代雕塑家懂得密涅瓦十八种处理头发的技艺,那么路路通却只懂得一种:拿起粗梳子,刷,刷,刷!