| 1. | He just does n't know what it is to be tired . 他有一股子使不完的劲。 |
| 2. | These boys are really full of pep . 这些小伙子真有股子愣劲儿。 |
| 3. | What they lacked in parlor grace they made up for in determination . 他们优雅的风度不足,却有一股子愣劲。 |
| 4. | With such drive , there 's no difficulty that they can 't overcome . 冲他们这股子干劲儿,没有克服不了的困难。 |
| 5. | To hear him say all this with unimaginable energy, you might have thought him the angriest of mankind . 听他说话时那股子叫人难以想象的冲劲儿,你也许认为他是个脾气最暴躁的人吧。 |
| 6. | A rush of jealousy, of contempt, and anger with this thick, loud-breathing rustic got the better of ashurt's self-possession . 一股子醋劲,再加上对这大声呼吸着的粗笨的乡下佬的轻蔑和怒气,使艾舍特失掉了自控。 |
| 7. | Bosinney looked clever, but he had also--and it was one of his great attractions--an air as if he did not quite know on which side his bread were buttered; he should be easy to deal with in money matters . 波辛尼的样子看上去很聪明,可是也有一股子傻劲--这是他一个最可爱的地方--好象不大斤斤计较得失;在金钱上面他该是一个容易对付的人。 |
| 8. | He always speaks with a unique accent 他说话总是有一股子特别的腔调。 |
| 9. | You smell from alcohol . - i do ? 你身上一股子酒味我有吗? |
| 10. | - you smell from alcohol . - i do ? 你身上一股子酒味我有吗? |