| 1. | The hills seem to thrust straight out of the open plain, some in clusters, some in solitary loftiness . 山峦似乎从平原拔起,有的群峰簇拥,有的孤峰矗立。 |
| 2. | He led his followers, with swift steps, deep within the shadows that were cast from their high and broken summits . 他带领着同伴们,在高耸入云的叠叠群峰投下的阴影中快速行进。 |
| 3. | A cultural interpretation of the majestic changbai mountain peaks 长白山峻秀群峰的文化解读 |
| 4. | The peaks stand sheer against each other , yet they are all exquisitely beautiful 九华山群峰争峙,却玲珑秀丽。 |
| 5. | Peaks at the west sea 群峰林立的西海 |
| 6. | Forts . the wall rises and falls with the precipitous mountain ridge , while 城墙顺着壁立的山脊起伏伸延,敌楼高耸于群峰之上。 |
| 7. | Equally stimulating is to take a ride in one of the high clearance nine - seater mini - vans and go 景致秀丽的南仁湖,静静躺在群峰的怀抱中。 |
| 8. | Sky - kissing mt . que er the north cection of the shaluli mountain ch - ain is lacated dege county 该山山势挺拔,壁立于周围十座5500米的群峰之上。 |
| 9. | Baoding , the chief peak of the min - shan mountains , 5588m above sea level and ovelooking other ten 5000 雪宝顶高踞于周围近十座海拔5000米以上的群峰之上。 |
| 10. | On another note , the peaks of a mountain or pine trees will look nice when surrounded by round clouds 值得注意,当群峰或松林被圆形的云朵围绕时会显得很耐看。 |