Article 2 trade unions are mass organizations formed by the working classes of their own free will 第二条工会是职工自愿结合的工人阶级的群众组织。
So the party went among the people and worked even harder to build revolutionary mass organizations 于是党来到人民中,更加努力地做着建立革命群众组织的工作。
The may flower english club is a learned organization of masses that focused on english study and carry out its activities independently 五月花英语俱乐部是一个独立自主开展活动、以英语学习为主的学术性群众组织。
No sooner had the association been set up than it rescued the refugee children in war area and established orphanages to nurse and educate those children 她由国共两党以及其他各党派的知识妇女组成,是抗日民族统一战线成立后最广泛的妇女群众组织。
Save the children has a wide range of partners in china , principally with government organisations , but also with mass organisations , and emerging civil society 救助儿童基金会在中国拥有广泛的合作伙伴。主要合作对象是官方组织,但也包括群众组织和民间团体。
When necessary , representatives of the enterprises , institutions and mass organizations located in the village may be invited to attend the villagers assembly without the right to vote 必要的时候,可以邀请驻在本村的企业、事业单位和群众组织派代表列席村民会议。
The model , by establishing a principal - agent relationship with local governments , mass organizations , and individuals in organizations , resolves the above three difficulties at once 它通过与地方政府、群众组织以及组织中的个人建立委托关系同时破解了以上的三个难题。
In other places revolutionary armed forces appeared first , opening up opportunities for establishing party organizations , political power and mass organizations before building the base areas 有的地方则是先有了革命武装,以武装力量打开局面,建立党、政权和群众组织,形成根据地。