The german assaulted on russia also momentarily disrupted the desultory japaneseamerican talks . 德国突袭俄国,也暂时打断当时断断续续进行的日、美谈判。
Now , my leniency is a legend , right 现在,我的宽恕可成为美谈,不是吗
Her daring work behind the enemy lines is now legend 她在敌的英勇斗争业迹现在已是传奇美谈
Her daring work behind the enemy lines is now legend 她在敌后的英勇斗争业迹现在已是传奇美谈
Talking from two jiangs ' diary to u . s . a 从两蒋日记赴美谈起
When to reward and when to punish . now , my leniency is a legend , right 什么时候应给以奖励,什么时候应予以惩罚现在,我的宽恕可成为美谈,不是吗
What are the beauties of hawaii ? there are an endless number of them , but let ' s begin with these four 何为夏威夷之美?那一定数不胜数。现在,我们先从其中的四美谈起吧!
Honorable majesty , your wonderful gesture of love will remain forever in our hearts and spirits , in our people and in our community , and we will always be grateful to you as a highly spiritual person 敬爱的无上师,您的爱心义举将令我们永志难忘,而且也会在我们族人与乡里间传为美谈。对于像您这般崇高的圣者,我们也将永远铭感于心。
A resident living near the well thus grew green bean sprouts with water from the abandoned well . as they were delicious , the sales were good . all of a sudden , the well became the famous green bean sprout well in tainan 此时,有一井旁的住民利用荒废的井水培育豆芽菜成功,而且菜鲜味美,生意旺盛,一时之间,府城豆菜芽仔井之名传为美谈。