| 1. | A slight higher predominance of leukemia in males than females . 3 (慢性骨髓性白血病除外) 2 .男性罹患率较女性高。 |
| 2. | But even lean red meat seems to increase the risk of colon cancer 但即使是无脂肪的瘦肉也似乎会增加结肠癌的罹患率。 |
| 3. | A plant - based diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of heart disease 以蔬果为主的饮食,可以降低心脏疾病的罹患率。 |
| 4. | They found that intermittent explosive disorder is " much more common " than has been recognized 他们发现间歇性暴发性精神障碍的罹患率较已知的检测病例更为普遍。 |
| 5. | Also , asian american adolescent girls reportedly have the highest rates of depressive symptoms compared to girls of other ethnicities 且亚裔美国族群的年轻少女比起其他种族的少女,有最高的忧郁症状罹患率。 |
| 6. | Intake of these micronutrients has been associated with higher risks of certain cancers , such as colorectal , breast , and prostate cancers 这些微量营养素的摄取向来与增加某些癌症,如直肠癌、乳癌及摄护腺癌的罹患率有关。 |
| 7. | Smoking and heavy drinking increase your likelihood of stomach and esophageal cancers . but swedish researchers have identified a surprise risk factor : chronic heartburn 抽烟和酗酒会增加胃癌和食道癌的罹患率,而瑞典研究学者们却发现了另一个令人诧异的罹患因素:长期胃灼热。 |
| 8. | " men who eat red meat as a main dish five or more times a week have four times the risk of colon cancer of men who eat red meats less than once a month , " says edward giovannucci of harvard medical school 哈佛医学院的爱德华吉奥凡奴奇指出:每周吃五次或更多红肉为主食的男人,其结肠癌罹患率是每月吃红肉少于一次的男人的四倍。 |
| 9. | Folic acid : " the evidence that folic acid reduces the risk of heart disease is pretty strong , " says willet . folic acid , a b - vitamin , lowers blood levels of a harmful amino acid called homocysteine 叶酸威利指出:叶酸可降低心脏疾病罹患率的证据已相当充足,叶酸是一种维生素,它可以降低血液中的一种有害氨基酸,叫做高半胱氨酸homocysteine 。 |