| 1. | Create and guide healthy life , contribute to the green living 创导生命健康,倾注绿色生活! |
| 2. | Our mission : provide the healthy products of the 21c to improve people ' s living standard 本公司的宗旨是:提供二十一世纪绿色生活的产品,提高人们生活水准。 |
| 3. | Two properties of urban group won best landscape award for private property development 推行优质环境管理缔造绿色生活富城集团两物业获康文署私人物业最佳园林大奖 |
| 4. | Green earth society is not responsible for any matters in relation to the products or service provided 任何与产品及服务之相关责任,均由有关商户或个别人士自行承担,绿色生活专门店概不负责。 |
| 5. | The company is dedicated to pushing forward green consuming way in the public and publicizing the green living in the slogan of “ green living for our eco ” 公司以“生态环保,天天向绿”为口号,致力于在大众中推行绿色消费,倡导绿色生活。 |
| 6. | They include belair monte in fanling , wining the silver award in horticultural maintenance , and park vale in quarry bay winning the merit award in greening effect ,而鱼涌蕙苑则获颁高密度住宅绿化效果优异奖,反映富城为其业户缔造绿色生活的成绩。 |
| 7. | Urban group has been promoting a green lifestyle and encouraging customers at the properties under their services to participate in various environmental care and recycling activities 富城集团一直致力推行绿色生活,并鼓励属下物业积极参与各项环保回收活动其中 |
| 8. | The hengtai enterprise is one large - scale high - tech environment protection enterprise which combines the environment protection technology research , standard parts production and project engineering design together 恒泰是一家集环保技术研究、化工设备制造、项目工程设计、倡导绿色生活的环保高新技术企业。 |
| 9. | We also cooperate with the government , companies , research institutes and environmental protection group positively to work together in an endeavor to enable the people to have a green living initiatively and easily 我们也积极与政府和企业,研究机构,环保团体合作,共同携手为让大众自觉主动又能轻轻松松过绿色生活而努力。 |
| 10. | Managed by urban group , belair monte in fanling recently won the silver award in the best landscape competition for private property development presented by the leisure cultural services department 由富城集团管理之粉岭绿悠轩,最近在由康乐及文化事务署举办之私人物业最佳园林大奖中荣获银奖,反映富城为其业户缔造绿色生活的成绩。 |