| 1. | Dufu ' s contribution in the creation of new style of poetry art 论杜甫对绝句艺术的拓新 |
| 2. | Expatiate the qing people ' s statement of song poem 清人论宋词绝句脞说 |
| 3. | Liu yuxi ' s political psychology reflected from antitheses in his collection of poems 戏为论诗绝句三十一首 |
| 4. | The inheriting and going down of quot; jue ju quot; of discussing poetry in ancient chinese 中国古代论诗绝句的承传 |
| 5. | A perspective of yuan haowen ' s realisitic poetic theory from his thirty poems on poetics 从论诗绝句三十首看元好问现实主义诗歌理论 |
| 6. | The vigour , emotion and soul of tang poetry are all exerted vividly between lines of li bai ' s yuefu song poem and jueju poems 盛唐诗歌的气来、情来、神来,在李白的乐府歌行和绝句中发挥得淋漓尽致。 |
| 7. | Those new aesthetics changes generate far - reaching influence to rhyme of middle tang and late tang dynasty even rhyme of song dynasty 这些审美新变化对中晚唐绝句、乃至宋代绝句都产生了深远的影响。 |
| 8. | His poetic achievements and concepts were reflected by reading his " lun tzu cut - shorts " and knowing his attitude 而他所作的论词绝句既可看出他论词的态度,反映出他的词学观,也可以看到他的诗学功力。 |
| 9. | The famous litterateur su dongpo in song dynasty wrote down such sentence : ” eating 300 lychees a day , i ' d rather stay here permanently . " the place fulled of lychees refered to gaozhou 宋代文学家苏东坡被贬谪江南时,曾留下“日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人”的绝句。高州属于岭南地区。 |
| 10. | Therefore you will enjoy the coolness in summer here , appreciating the connotation of the traditional motto for thousands of years ? the sentimental moon has invited you , gathering during full blossom of lotuses in a lake 让您在这里感受夏意的清凉,领略“多情明月邀君共,满湖荷花遍地开”的千古绝句的内涵。 |