经营责任制: management responsibility systemmanagement systemresponsibility system for operationverantwortlichkeitssystem n.für geschftsttigkeiten /betriebliches verantwortungssystem
Example Sentences:
Negative operational cash flows 负的经营性现金流量
Operational cash flow 经营性现金流量
We should use the average of 2 - 4 years of the ocf . so we should analyze the ocf of the enterprises in the term of its product cycle 产品在不同的生命周期阶段,给企业带来的经济上的影响是显著不同的,对企业经营性现金流量的影响很大。
" product cycle " comprises two meaning of " life cycle of product " and " producing cycle of product " . product cycle influence the operating cash flow of the enterprises 第一章从产品的周期性理论入手,分析产品周期与企业经营性现金流量的关系,从中论述经营性现金流量变动的基本规律。