| 1. | The thought of external economy in the theory of trade 贸易理论中的外部经济思想 |
| 2. | On the modernity in gu yan - wu ' s economic thought 论顾炎武经济思想中的近代性因素 |
| 3. | Some issues concerning ancient chinese economic ideas 中西方经济思想的比较与启示 |
| 4. | A personal view on liu shaoqi ' s economic thoughts 刘少奇对外开放的经济思想之我见 |
| 5. | Research on liang qichao ' s modern economic viewpoint 梁启超的近代经济思想研究 |
| 6. | A tentative discussion on kong xiangxi ' s economic thought 孔祥熙经济思想初探 |
| 7. | Ecological economics thought of taoists in xianqin 先秦道家生态经济思想浅析 |
| 8. | A study of kornal janos ' s theory of transformational economy 科尔奈转轨经济思想研究 |
| 9. | Yan fu ' s economic thoughts in the early 20th century 20世纪初严复的经济思想 |
| 10. | A deep analysis on sima qian ' s economic thought 司马迁经济思想的深层剖析 |