Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures - part 3 - 2 : examinations and measurements - polarization dependence of attenuation in a single - mode fibre optic device 光纤互联装置和无源部件.基本试验和测量步骤.第3 - 2部分:检验和测量.单模纤维光学装置中天线偏振依赖性
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures - part 3 - 2 : examinations and measurements - polarization dependence of attenuation in a single - mode fibre optic device 光纤互连装置和无源元件.基本试验和测量程序.第3 - 2部分:检查和测量.单模纤维光学装置的衰减的偏振相依性
Fotp - 227 - iec 61300 - fiber optic devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures - part 3 - 24 : examinations and measurements - keying accuracy of optical connectors for polarization maintaining fibre Fotp - 227 - iec 61300 .纤维光学装置和无源元器件.基本试验和测量程序.第3 - 24部分:检查和测量.偏振保持光纤用光连接器的键控准确性