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Chinese translation for "系统动力学研究"

system dynamical study

Related Translations:
一级动力学:  first order kineticsfirst-order kinetics
动力学质量:  kinetic mass
远动力学:  telemechanism
动力学参考系:  dynamical reference system
动力学常数:  kinetic constantkinetics constant
动力学链:  kinetic chain
相对论动力学:  relativistic dynamics
药物动力学:  pharmacodynamicspharmacokineticepharmacokinetics
内动力学:  internal dynamics
塑性动力学:  dynamic plasticity
Example Sentences:
1.Real estate industry macro control ' s system dynamics research
2.The system dynamics study of the development of high - tech industry
3.Preliminary discussion on system dynamics of mine safety production
4.Study on marine ecosystem dynamics
5.Dynamic study on the universal transmission shaft of high speed bogie
6.Study on dynamics of mechano - electronic spring - damper system with differential connections
7.To examine the physical processes impacts on the biological processes , we follow the idea of globec focusing on three steps : field survey , process analysis and modeling study
8.To overcome the limitation of the conventional multi - rigid system dynamics in modeling vehicle / track systems and calculating their interaction , and to truly present the interaction and intereffect vehicle / track systems , vehicle / track coupling system model is built by using femb pre / post process code in this paper
9.Detailed numerical studies are presented for the transitional dynamics of the steady - state motions of those systems with the variation of the excitation and the system parameters , with the illustrations given for rich nonlinear phenomena , such as the bifurcations of periodic vibro - impact motions and the chaotic vibro - impact motions . in chapter 5 , the existence of the periodic vibro - impacts , as well as the corresponding stability is analyzed for an oblique - impact vibrating system composed of a spring - pendulum and an oscillator . when the system damping and the tangential friction
结果表明,在无阻尼、无摩擦的简化情况下,周期斜碰撞振动运动具有严格的存在条件,并随激励参数的变化出现复杂的分叉和稳定性的反复切换;运动阻尼可在较大参数范围内对非稳定运斜碰撞振动系统动力学研究( 5 ) ( 6 )动镇定;相对而言,切向摩擦对系统稳态特征的影响不大。
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