[ zhuàn ] Ⅰ名词 1.(汉字形体的一种) seal character (a style of chinese calligraphy, often used on seals) 2.(指印章) seal Ⅱ动词 (写篆书) write seal characters 短语和例子 篆额 cut seal character on the top part of a tablet
Related Translations:
篆额: cut seal character on the top part of a tablet
鸟篆: bird script, an ancient form of chinese written characters, resembling birds' footprints
Cloud seal character mountain hotel of chongqing 重庆云篆山宾馆
Along the cliff , there are many poems and verses inscribed on stone in all scripts , regular , cursive , seal character and official 沿山崖有不少诗词石刻,楷草篆隶,诸体俱备,庭院里还有中国帆船石刻浮雕。
Along the cliff , there are many poems and verses inscribed on stone in all scripts , regular , cursive , seal character and official 沿山崖有不少诗词石刻,楷草篆隶,诸体俱备,庭院里还有中国帆船石刻浮雕。
Chen hongshou , with the sobriquet mansheng , was well - versed in poetry , the classics and the four basic calligraphic scripts , especially clerical script 他擅长古文诗词,书法行、草、篆、隶四体皆精,隶书结体奇崛,笔法劲爽。
Don ' t doubt it , i have seen two kind of this long gun with bamboo pole in south and north , this club can ' t be oppugned , it will be bent 不用怀疑了,我曾一南一北见过两把这类织竹披麻铁杆带尾篆的长枪,纯棍棒的话会抗击打不行,会弯。
I had used zhuan shu to write huineng s a zen master poem , the bodhi is not a tree , the mirror is not the stand , originally there was nothing , where can the dust settle , at least four times 我用籀篆写过六祖惠能的禅语:菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?至少有四次。
He followed the qin and han traditions and was inspired by the senior xiling masters ding jing ( 1695 - 1765 ) and huang yi ( 1744 - 1802 ) . he is listed one of the eight masters of xiling ( hangzhou ) 金石家陈鸿寿篆印远宗秦汉,近师丁敬、黄易,切刀跌宕自然,浑厚峻拔,位列西泠八家之一。
Chen hongshou is also a well respected calligrapher and a painter . in writing he is skillful in the four basic calligraphic scripts , especially clerical and running script . in painting he has fame in painting flowers in the boneless style 书画家陈鸿寿兼擅古文诗词,书法行、草、篆、隶四体皆精,隶书结体奇崛,笔法劲爽;绘画多作没骨花卉,笔墨酣畅,生趣盎然。
I have used this method of zhuan shu many times , for calligraphic painting . it began with my interest in epistemology and research into pictograph , where i tried using the way i write zhuan shu for writing these words of ancient scripts 这种用籀篆写的书法绘画,我已写过不少,先出于个人对文字学上做研究探讨象形文字的趣味,用平时习写隶书汉碑的笔法,来参变融会而成。
The 150 works in this catalogue are by 129 well - known artists , including princes and officials such as yongxing and yinghe ; calligraphers who specialized in model - books such as liu yong and wang wenzhi ; those renowned for seal script and clerical script such as deng shiru and yi bingshou ; and those who specialized in stelae studies such as he shaoji and kang youwei . painters such as gao fenghan and fei danxu and seal - carvers such as huang yi and huang shiling are also represented here 是次展出共129位名家作品,包括王侯贵胄永? 、英和;帖学名家刘墉、王文治;篆隶书家邓石如、伊秉绶;碑学大师何绍基、康有为;画家高凤翰、费丹旭;篆刻家黄易、黄士陵等的墨迹,从多个角度说明清代书法艺术的面貌。