| 1. | Barking deer , squirrels , chinese porcupines , chinese pangolins and mongooses may still be seen in some remote areas 黄? ,松鼠,箭猪,穿山甲及红颊?等仍然可以在部份偏僻的山林内见到它们的踪影。 |
| 2. | Other mammals like barking deer , leopard cats , chinese porcupines , small indian civets , wild boar and bats are quite common in the countryside 其他哺乳类动物如赤麂、豹猫、箭猪、小灵猫、野猪、蝙蝠等颇为普遍。 |
| 3. | " i will turn her into a place for owls and into swampland ; i will sweep her with the broom of destruction , " declares the lord almighty 23我必使巴比伦为箭猪所得,又变为水池。我要用灭亡的扫帚扫净他。这是万军之耶和华说的。 |
| 4. | I will also make it a possession for the bittern , and pools of water : and i will sweep it with the besom of destruction , saith the lord of hosts 23我必使巴比伦为箭猪所得,又变为水池。我要用灭亡的扫帚扫净他。这是万军之耶和华说的。 |
| 5. | " i will also make it a possession for the hedgehog and swamps of water , and i will sweep it with the broom of destruction , " declares the lord of hosts 赛14 : 23我必使巴比伦为箭猪所得、又变为水池我要用灭亡的扫帚扫净他这是万军之耶和华说的。 |
| 6. | But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it ; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it : and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion , and the stones of emptiness 赛34 : 11鹈鹕、箭猪、却要得为业猫头鹰、乌鸦、要住在其间耶和华必将空虚的准绳、混沌的线铊、拉在其上。 |
| 7. | The us fast food giant mcdonald s agreed to change the shape of the cups used for one of its desserts after english animal lovers complained that hedgehogs - a threatened species - were getting their snouts stuck in them and dying 美国快餐大亨麦当劳收到来自英国热爱动物组织的抱怨,称濒危动物箭猪可能会卡在其甜点杯中致死。最终麦当劳同意改变纸杯形状。 |
| 8. | The us fast food giant mcdonald ' s agreed to change the shape of the cups used for one of its desserts after english animal lovers complained that hedgehogs - a threatened species - were getting their snouts stuck in them and dying 美国快餐大亨麦当劳收到来自英国热爱动物组织的抱怨,称濒危动物箭猪可能会卡在其甜点杯中致死。最终麦当劳同意改变纸杯形状。 |
| 9. | Flocks will lie down in her midst , all beasts which range in herds ; both the pelican and the hedgehog will lodge in the tops of her pillars ; birds will sing in the window , desolation will be on the threshold ; for he has laid bare the cedar work 番2 : 14群畜、就是各国的走兽、国或作类必卧在其中鹈鹕和箭猪要宿在柱顶上在窗户内有鸣叫的声音门槛都必毁坏香柏木已经露出。 |
| 10. | And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her , all the beasts of the nations : both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it ; their voice shall sing in the windows ; desolation shall be in the thresholds : for he shall uncover the cedar work 番2 : 14群畜、就是各国的走兽、国或作类必卧在其中鹈鹕和箭猪要宿在柱顶上在窗户内有鸣叫的声音门槛都必毁坏香柏木已经露出。 |