We need to motivate members to do missionary work 我们必须策励教友传教的工作。
We look forward to your support and encouragement 期待您继续给予我们支持与策励。
Remind us that death may dawn on us anytime , it is to propel us not to waste any single day 提醒自己死亡随时会来临,就是策励自己不要枉过每一天。
Of course , customer support and for promoting feijie lai is the greatest driving force for innovation progress 当然,客户的支持与策励亦是推动飞捷革新进步之最大动力。
Lead him , i pray , not in the path of ease and comfort , but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge 我祈求你,不要引导他走上安逸舒适的道路,而要让他遭受困难与挑战的磨练和策励。
To further their understanding of master s teachings and to encourage each other to practice diligently , fellow initiates in mexico held a unique evening event at the mexico center on march 8th 墨西哥的同修为增加对师父教理的了解及彼此策励精进修行,于三月八日的晚上假墨西哥小中心举办了一场别开生面,深具历史意义的晚会。
While we enjoy one of the best drinking water quality in the world , we feel all the more grateful for what the forerunners have devoted . when drinking water , remember the spring . furthermore , we feel obliged to work together for establishing the century - long foundation for our offspring 在享受方便优质自来水的同时,对于前人的心血及努力,我们皆心存感激,除了饮水思源外,更策励我们携手同心,为后代再立百年基业。
Focusing on the comparative study of the modern chinese and japanese moral education ideas , the author hopes the thesis will provide direct or indirect references in solving the problems of moral education in our country , and help the contemporaries " to examine the past and spur ahead in the future with a stand on the altitude of human civilization . 通过对中日近代道德教育理念进行比较研究,作者希望能够对我国解决现实的道德教育问题提供直接或间接的参考,使今人“站在人类文明的高度,检讨过去,策励将来。 ” (杜维明语)本论文由六大部分打造而成。