When the bewilered troops were in line, the colonel who had spoken first advised them . 不知所以然的兵士们站队完毕,第一个喊话的上校训话了。
What does he mean , line up ? - now 他说站队是什么意思? -现在!
- what does he mean , line up ? - now -他说站队是什么意思? -现在!
" whenever you find you ' re on the side of the majority , it is time to reform . “如果你发现自己站在多数的一边,就该重新站队了。 ”
With him staying away from work , beatty , the captain of his fire station , visits guy 当盖抛下工作的时候,他的救火站队长比提拜访了他。
The marines say the call - up is primarily due to a shortage of volunteers for duty in iraq and afghanistan 海军陆站队称,此次召集主要是由于在伊拉克和阿富汗的志愿兵短缺。
This acts as a trigger monitor which can create a . net object in the correct transactional context when a message arrives on an inbound queue 这个监控程序充当一个触发器监视器,当消息到达入站队列时,它可以在适当的事务上下文中创建一个. net对象。
The second league : there will be clans that falled behind from the clans of the first league with their points : two from the first legion , two from the second etc 第二标准联盟比赛将按照比分少于第一标准联盟出线站队的后两支站队将出战第二标准联盟比赛
The new old team member altogether constructs stands in line thehomeland , hoped here complaint has not quarrelled , mutually helps thecooperation , makes an attitude to be tenacious , indomitable troop 新老队员共建的站队家园,希望这里没有埋怨没有争吵,互帮互助,打造一只作风顽强,不屈不挠的队伍。
The regiment broke into companies and went towards the quarters assigned them at no great distance from braunau , where they hoped to find boots and clothes , and to rest after their hard marches 一团人按连站队开往布劳瑙附近指定的驻地,希望在那里能给自己弄到皮靴和军服,在艰苦的行军之后休息休息。