Shutters - acoustic insulation relative to airborne sound - expression of performance 百叶窗.与空气载声相关的隔声.性能表示
Shutters . shutters - acoustic insulation relative to airborne sound - expression of performance . requirement - classification 百叶窗.与空气载声相关的隔声.性能表示.设备.分类
Acoustics - rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - airborne sound insulation 声学.建筑物和建筑物构件内的隔音测定.建筑物和内部建筑物构件的空气载声的隔离
Road traffic noise reducing devices - test method for determining the acoustic performance - intrinsic characteristics - in situ values of sound reflection and airborne sound insulation 道路交通降噪设备.声学性能测定的试验方法.固有的特征.声音反射和空气载声隔绝的原地测定值