My next difficulty was to make a sieve , or search , to dress my meal , and to part it from the bran , and the husk , without which i did not see it possible i could have any bread 第二个需要克服的困难是,我得做一个筛子筛面粉,把面粉和秕糠分开。没有筛子,就无法做面包。做筛子想想也把我难倒了。
When it was growing and grown , i have observ d already , how many things i wanted , to fence it , secure it , mow or reap it , cure and carry it home , thrash , part it from the chaff , and save it 在庄稼成长和成熟的时候,我前面也已谈到,还有许多事要做。我要给庄稼地打上篱笆,又要保护庄稼不受鸟害。然后是收割晒干运回家打谷簸去秕糠,而后把谷物收藏起来。
However , as my first crop was but small i had no great difficulty to cut it down ; in short , i reap d it my way , for i cut nothing off but the ears , and carry d it away in a great basket which i had made , and so rubb d it out with my hands ; and at the end of all my harvesting , i found that out of my half peck of seed , i had near two bushels of rice , and above two bushels and half of barley , that is to say , by my guess , for i had no measure at that time 因为我既不知道怎样把谷粒磨成粉,甚至根本不知道怎样脱谷,怎样筛去秕糠即使能把谷粒磨成粉,我也不知道怎样把粉做成面包即使做成了面包,也不知怎样烤面包。另外,我想多积一点粮食,以保证不断供应。为此,我决定不吃这次收获的谷物,而是全部留起来做种子,待下一季再播种。