| 1. | Analysis of freeze shaft wall damage in dongrong no . 3 coal mine 东荣三矿冻结段井壁破坏原因简析 |
| 2. | On reason for longitudinal crack failure of the entry and its solutions 采煤平巷纵向裂缝破坏原因与处治 |
| 3. | Causation of cement concrete pavement damage and countermeasure against it 水泥砼路面板的破坏原因及对策 |
| 4. | Worn - out mechanism and repairing method of sea shore concrete structure 沿海混凝土建筑破坏原因与修复办法 |
| 5. | Analysis on foothold of researching into causes of rock fragmentation in blasting simple 岩石爆破破坏原因研究的立足点剖析 |
| 6. | Cause and preventive treatment of destruction to rigid pavement of road in populated area 居住区道路刚性路面破坏原因与防治 |
| 7. | Analysis of the destruction of the francis turbine draft tube inner side of dongjiang power plant 东江电厂水轮机尾水管里衬破坏原因初探 |
| 8. | Prevention method and freezing damage of hydraulic structures at season freezing soil irrigation areas 季节冻土区灌区水工建筑物冻害破坏原因及防治措施 |
| 9. | The characteristic analysis of quantity variation of seepage on the stone masonry dam auxiliary dam of sheshang reservoir 跃进水库坝上游护坡破坏原因分析及加固措施 |
| 10. | Through analyzing on the reason of large tilt angle face roadway destruction , corresponding efficient support measures are provided , and good technology economic results are made 通过对大倾角工作面沿空留巷巷道破坏原因的分析,提出了相应的有效支护措施,收到了良好的技术经济效果。 |