| 1. | Checking your testicles regularly , you can pick up the cancer early 定期检查睾丸,可及早察觉早期的睾丸癌。 |
| 2. | The sooner it is diagnosed , the better the chance of a complete recovery 愈早证实患上睾丸癌,完全康复的机会愈高。 |
| 3. | Once i thought of quittin ' , when i had brain , lung and testicular cancer at the same time 你知道我以前也想过退出因为被一次同时诊断有脑癌,肺癌和睾丸癌 |
| 4. | But , in october of 1996 , lance was diagnosed with testicular cancer , which had spread to his brain and lungs 阿姆斯特朗在1996年10月参加世界顶级公路赛时被诊断出患了睾丸癌。 |
| 5. | Testicular cancer was also a common cause of death as was getting stuck in the chimney or falling down it 当常常困在烟囱里,或是在烟囱里跌下,睾丸癌成为一个十分常见的死因。 |
| 6. | Prior to being diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1996 , lance armstrong was a successful professional bicyclist 1996年,阿姆斯特朗被诊断出身患睾丸癌,但是这一噩耗没有击溃这位坚强的自行车运动员。 |
| 7. | Checking your testicles regularly , you can pick up the cancer early . most testicular cancers are spotted by men themselves 定期检查睾丸,可及早察觉早期的睾丸癌。大多数睾丸癌患者都是自己察觉病徵的。 |
| 8. | The testis is part of the male reproductive system . testicular cancer is a disease in which the cells in one or both testicles begin to grow out of control . what causes it 睾丸是男性生殖系统的一部份,睾丸癌是指一个或两个睾丸的细胞异常生长所形成的癌病。 |
| 9. | Testicular cancer initially presenting as a pathological femoral neck fracture without awareness of a testicular mass after a traffic accident is unusual and misleading 摘要未发现睾丸肿瘤前,于交通意外后发生病理性股骨颈骨折作?睾丸癌之表现是少见且易误导的。 |