It is my wayit always was my way, by instinctever to meet the brief with brevity, the direct with plainness . 我就是这样本能地一向就是这样以简短回答简短,以真率回答直率。
Jin sohr asks , “ aren ' t you mom ' s friend 真率笑眯眯地解释:你不是妈妈的朋友嘛
Jin sohr goes out to play 真率走到院子里玩耍
On the significance of the aesthetic education of the true beauties of tao yuanming ' s poets 试论陶渊明诗文真率美的美育意义
Madame de villefort listened with avidity to these appalling maxims and horrible paradoxes , delivered by the count with that ironical simplicity which was peculiar to him 这一番话,伯爵是以他那特有的讽刺而又很真率的口吻讲出来的,维尔福夫人贪婪地倾听着这些令人胆寒的格言和可怕的怪论。
Taking the storage and transfer of mass image data into consideration , not only could favorable image compression techniques achieve high compression ratio and fidelity , they should also meet the demands of web applications , image compression need further detailed study , thus having developed into a specialized research field known as image coding 出于图像存储技术和图像通信的考虑,良好的图像压缩技术不仅能够实现高压缩率和高保真率,还能满足诸如渐进传输、图像渐现等网络应用的需要。因此,为了满足实际应用的需要,有必要对图像数据压缩处理进行深入细致的研究,目前已发展成为专门的研究领域:图像编码。