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Chinese translation for "真叶"

main leaf
true leaf
Example Sentences:
1.6 . the plant is comparatively sensitive in two leaves period . so we can use the dose reaction to so2 in two leaves period as the injury threshold value to classify resistant ability type
6 .植株在2片真叶期对50 :比较敏感,因此可以采用植物在2片真叶期对50 :的剂量反应作为受害阂值来划分抗性类型。
2.2 . the sensitivity to so2 differs in various plant growth period . the resistant ability to so2 in cotyledon period > real leaves period . the ability in two real leaves and four real leaves have n ' t clearly difference
植物不同生育时期对so _ 2的敏感性不同,植物对so _ 2的抗性是子叶期真叶期, 2片真叶期和4片真叶期对so _ 2的抗性差异不显著。
3.Cotyledon and true leaves of stem mustard were cultured on ms medium supplemented with different concentrations of various cytokinins ( ba , cppu , tdz or kt ) alone or in combination with naa or iba , and the adventitious buds regeneration rate was evaluated .
以榨菜子叶、真叶为外植体进行离体培养,用ba 、 cppu 、 tdz和kt等细胞分裂素和生长素naa 、 iba组合诱导子叶、真叶再生不定芽试验。
4.The germination of two seeds of hybrids was different form their parents . seeds of their parents were epigeal germination , but two seeds germination of hybrids which were derived form l davidii var . unicolor x ' yellow " and l davidii var
5.Wild arabidopsis thaliana seeds were mutagenized with y - ray , and m2 populations were screened in the medium containing 200mmol / l nacl . 352 potential high - salt - tolerance mutants were selected from 80 , 000 m2 seedlings , and 4 of this m2 mutants showed high - salt - tolerance in their m3 generation . this high - salt - tolerance mutants were backcrossed with the wild type arabidopsis thaliana
在含200mmol lnacl的改良ms培养基上,通过对约80 , 000株m _ 2代幼苗的筛选,共获得352株根仍表现向地性生长或真叶不变为褐色的植株作为可能的突变体。
6.7 - 10 days " seedlings after the seeds germinated , the meristem in the stem apex functioned to form true leaf primordium , meanwhile , the vessel elements which differentiated from parenchymatous cells of the middle and upper portion of the cnz connected with the vessel elements from procambium of epcotyl - shoot region
种子萌发7 - 10天,幼苗的茎端分生组织活动形成真叶雏形,此时由子叶节区中、上部薄壁细胞的转分化形成的导管分子与上胚轴-苗区原形层形成的导管分子发生连接。
7.The periods of time , in which temperautre elements have greatest influence on cotton climatic output in akesu cotton region , are from cotton flowering to full flower stage in summer ( july 14 to july 28 ) and from later spring to middle summer ( may 17 to july 24 ) , the later is the period of time from the first leaf to full flower stage
温度要素对阿克苏地区的棉花气候产量有最大影响的时段是在盛夏的棉花开花?开花盛期( 7月14日7月28日) ,其次为春末和夏季的前中期( 5月17日7月24日)的属于第一真叶?开花盛期的时段。
8.The highest vt and p valt in true leaf were accompanied two hybridizable polypeptides of aox protein , 35kd and 38kd respectively . the next was cotyledon vt and p valt with only one 38kd hybridizable polypeptide of aox protein . hypocotyl vt and p valt were the lowest and its immunobloting band was similar to that of cotyledon , but the expressive amount of 38kd protein was less than that of cotyledon
绿豆幼苗不同器官的有关呼吸参数测定结果与aox表达的western分析基本一致:真叶的v _ t特别是v _ ( alt )最高,它也具有35kd和38kd的aox的杂交多肽;其次是子叶的v _ t和v _ ( alt ) ,且在子叶中,只见一条分子量为38kd的aox多肽;下胚轴的v _ t和v _ ( alt )都最低, western杂交显示也只有一条分子量为38kd的多肽,而且表达量也较少。
9.According to the injury threshold value in two real leaves period , divided the stuff plats into four types : 1 ) the injury threshold value of the plants sensitive to so2 15ppm 3h ; 2 ) the comparatively sensitive injury threshold value 15ppm 3h - 20ppm 3h ; 3 ) the comparatively strong resistant injury threshold value 20ppm 3h - 25ppm 3h ; 4 ) the strong resistant injury threshold value 25ppm 3h
根据2片真叶期伤害阎值,将供试的植物抗性分为4类: l )对50 :敏感的植物受害阂值( 15ppmx3h ; 2 )较敏感的受害j司值15ppmx3卜zoppmx3h ; 3 )杭性较强的受害j司值zoppn , x3h一25ppmx3h : 4 )抗性强的受害阂值> 25ppmx3h 。
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