Clear understanding and appropriate positioning foster neat , efficient action ; be good or evil , according to the situation 清晰认识、摆正位置,行动就会简洁、高效:当善则善、当恶则恶,相机而行。
Yermolov wanted to act on his own judgment , but dohturov insisted that he must have instructions from his highness the commander - in - chief 叶尔莫洛夫想要相机而行,但是多赫图罗夫坚持必须等待最高爵爷的命令。
Rendered spiritless by the ill - success of all their endeavours , he had yielded to his brother - in - law s intreaty that he would return to his family , and leave it to him to do whatever occasion might suggest to be advisable for continuing their pursuit 原来他们两人再三努力,毫无成绩,情绪十分低落,因此班纳特先生答应了他舅爷的要求,立刻回家,一切事情都留给嘉丁纳相机而行。