| 1. | That , in turn , would scupper the decision of ten other states to adopt the same standard 继而,这会摧毁其他十个州将采用相同标准的决定。 |
| 2. | You want to be sure not to create a false sense of security about the interoperability you might have with others using the same standard 确保与使用相同标准的其他词汇表相比,不会对互操作性造成损害。 |
| 3. | " they don ' t measure up stuff - wise , " manager joe torre said . " they ' re so different . one pitches more to contact than the other . 托瑞经理说"他们是不相同标准的素质与智慧" , "他们是如此不同,与另一个相比较,其中一个比另一个更懂得交际。 |
| 4. | Whereas lad is bound to pay fees according to laccrs , the d of j adopts the same scale of fees to outside practitioners on an administrative basis 此外,法援署须根据刑事案件法律援助规则支付费用,而律政司却可按行政基准采用与外界从业人员相同标准的收费。 |
| 5. | In practice , you cannot always assume interoperability between different implementations of the same standards , particularly if the standards are recent or emerging 在实践中,不能总是假定相同标准的不同实现之间具有互操作性,特别是对于近来出现或刚刚兴起的标准。 |
| 6. | Each vendor can have a unique web services architecture , which is the most appropriate implementation to its proprietary platform , while adhering to the same xml standards to facilitate successful interoperation with users sticking to the same standards 各供应商可建立最切合其专有平台的特定网络服务体系结构,而透过遵循同一套xml标准,可与遵循相同标准的用户互相整合。 |
| 7. | Each vendor can have a unique web services architecture , which is the most appropriate implementation to its proprietary platform , while adhering to the same xml standards to facilitate successful interoperation with users sticking to the same standards 各供应商可建立最切合其专有平台的特定网络服务体系结构,而透过遵循同一套xml标准,可与遵循相同标准的用户互相整合。 |