| 1. | An exploration of the special of direct deliberation 对直接故意特殊形态的探究 |
| 2. | Possessed constitute the establishment of the conditions necessary for holding 笔者认为持有的主观方面只能由故意构成,包括直接故意和间接故意。 |
| 3. | The subjective aspect of the crime is intention , including direct intention and indirect intention 本罪的主观方面是故意,既可以是直接故意,也可能是间接故意。 |
| 4. | On the subjective side of the crime , the author considers that it is willful to constitute the crime 对本罪的主观方面,作者认为构成本罪主观上只能表现为直接故意。 |
| 5. | The culpability of its essential offence should be directand indirect intention , and this crime should have joint crime 非法行医罪的基本罪的罪过形式包括直接故意和间接故意,并存在共同犯罪。 |
| 6. | The author provides that the subjective aspect of the crime includes not only actual intent but also indirect intent 在挪用公款罪的主观方面,作者论述了主观方面不仅包括直接故意,还包括间接故意。 |
| 7. | In the subjective way , the crime of bills defraud shows that the doer has direct and willful action and has the purpose of illegal possession subjectively 票据阼骗罪的主观方面表现为行为人主观上是直接故意,具有非法占有目的。 |
| 8. | The author considers that unit attempted crime is a kind of inchoate conformation and the unit has implemented criminality but failed beyond its will in direct intention crime 笔者认为,单位犯罪未遂,是指在单位直接故意犯罪中,犯罪单位已着手实行犯罪,由于意志以外的原因而未能达到犯罪既遂的一种未完成犯罪形态。 |
| 9. | From the 2 points of penal codes : no - value of acts and no - value of effects , the characteristics of the crime of illegal medical practices emphasize the no - value of the illegal medical practices 在情节犯与行政犯的双重视野下,基于刑法中行为无价值与结果无价值的立场,非法行医罪的犯罪构成注重的是行为无价值,主观罪过是犯罪故意,并且只能是直接故意。 |