天地有情: at the threshold of an erarejoicethe sentimental heaven and earthworld is in love
Example Sentences:
“ since pangu separated heaven and earth , the three sovereigns and five emperors were the earliest lords 这句的中文原文可是“自从盘古开天地,三皇五帝到如今” ?
China is the only country in the world whose ancient civilization has been passed down continuously for over 5 , 000 years 而中国作为世界上唯一连续传承5000年的古老文明, “盘古开天地” 、 “女娲造人” 、 “神农尝百草” 、 “仓颉造字” ,奠定了神传文化的初始。
The boy explained his works , saying that since the creation of the world there exist many scenic spots and places of cultural and historical interests , but they are all being damaged now 这个男孩儿解释了他的作品,他说自从盘古开天地,世界上就有了许多美丽景点和名胜古迹,但是现在它们都正在遭到破坏。