I presented these conceptions which related to the standard of proof , just as the discretional evaluation of evidence , objective of proof , value of the 第六,提出了建立“以高度盖然性为主,其它证明标准为辅”的证明标准新模式,以及适用于民事诉讼的具体情况。
Electronic evidence adopting rule - rules applies to the evidence taking procedure , evidence construction , judicial cognizance , the taking of evidence in court , the probability evidence and those expressed in courts verdict 四是电子证据的采证规则。它包括采证阶段、推定、司法认知、当庭采证、盖然性采证、判决显示等规定。
This chapter analyzes the current status , and the suitability of the current probation and point out that there are numerical deficiencies of the system of probationary suspension in terms of making it become a law and implementing it as a law 全文除绪论外共分四个部分。第一部分缓刑概述。该部分通过对缓刑的盖然性认识和目前缓刑制度的研究现状,由此提出了我国缓刑制度完善的迫切性与必要性。
In the thesis , the concept , classification and origin of standards of proof are generalized ; the logical characteristics of proof of china and western are revealed ; logic forms as well as advantage and disadvantage of the proofs of “ probability ” , “ beyond reasonable doubt ” and “ subjective truth ” is demonstrated 本文概述了诉讼证明标准的概念、分类和渊源;揭示了中西证明标准的逻辑特点;论证了盖然性、排除合理怀疑、客观真实等标准的逻辑基础及其优劣。
This thesis points out that those five countries mentioned above have " citizen lawsuit " legal provision , which is based on environmental right . group lawsuit is or going to be the important form of environmental lawsuit . in order to lighten the sufferers " cause and effect testimony - offering responsibility , those countries confess in their legal precedent or legislation the theory of probability , medical cause , effect and indirect disproof , and implement the invert testimony - offering responsibility or shifting principle 指出几国均存在以环境权为基础的“公民诉讼”法律条款;集团诉讼成为环境诉讼的重要形式;为了减轻环境侵权受害人的因果关系举证责任,盖然性说、疫学因果关系说、间接反证说等大都得到了各国判例乃至立法的承认,各国普遍实行了举证责任倒置或转移原则。
And there are no uniform standards about the medical level and as the consideration of medical level , we should examine the factors of technicality , emergency and regionality and adopt right judgment measures : judgment through general knowledge , judgment under medical rules , judgment by scientific experiments and judgment according to medical expert testimony , etc . from the negative side , there is to be the research on the negative reasons to medical malpractice and whatever satisfied the negative reasons would not be the medical malpractice - permissible danger , act of rescue , self - sup porting act , exercise of rights , promise by the patients and comparative faults , etc . furthermore , this dissertation emphasized the discussion on the problem of the conflict of rights and proposed to exercise the policy of right - priority to solve the problem of the conflict of rights 在相当因果关系判断中,对条件的审究实践上有较大难度,本文主张采用逻辑学上新理论?一部分原因理论并结合事故参与度理论、盖然性;理论进行判断与认定。本文除对医疗过失责任的三个构成要件进行了论述,还在第五部分对责任构成后的具体赔偿进行了论述。按照现行法律,本文对积极损害中丧葬费用、医疗费用、护理费用、律师费用、住宿费用、交通费用,消极损害中死亡补偿费、被抚养人生活费、误工费、残疾者生活补助费及残疾用具费以及精神上的损害具体赔偿的标准进行了归纳。
When have analyzed the method of alleviating the patient ’ s burden of proof , specific methods are proposed . author suggest that court should accept the sue only if the patient prove the cause to the degree the average person regard the cause true , the burden of proof is bored on medical organization when the being proving fact provided by patient is highly possible ; the burden of proof is bored on patient when being proving fact provided by patient is less possible but the fact is only clue and medical organization take on responsibility of explanation ; and the burden of proof is bored on the patient when the fact is impossible . author proposed also method to form a complete set , which is establishing the principle of free prove , dividing the cause into cause in fact and cause in law and establishing the standard for possibility 笔者在分析了减轻患者证明责任的途径之后,提出了完善医疗纠纷诉讼中证明责任分配的具体方法:将《最高人民法院关于证据的若干规定》第四条第八款修改为:患者就医疗行为向法院提起诉讼,必须就医疗方存在过错或者损害与医疗行为之间存在事实上的因果关系的证明达到依一般人的观点,可以合理怀疑的程度时,法院才能受理;对患者提出的有争议的待证事实,具有高度的盖然性的,由医疗方承担证明责任,事实真伪不明时,由医疗方承担败诉风险;对待证的事实盖然性较低,但该事实是唯一具体线索的可能性时,由医疗方承担解明义务,在医疗方已经尽了解明义务而事实仍然真伪不明时,仍由患者承担败诉风险;对盖然性很低的案件,由患者承担证明责任。
In civil lawsuit , the setting of the criteria of civil lawsuit should be of dialectical unification of subjectivity and objectivity 、 justness and efficiency 、 commonness and individuality . in the subjective sense , we should judge their credibility , adherent to , no suspicion of intime conviction principally and suspicion of intime conviction subsidiarily in psychology ; to proof beyond a reasonable doubt in logic 、 to highly probability and preponderance of probability . in the objective sense , we should employ subjective facts as ratifying criterion 具体到民事诉讼中,证明标准设置应以主观与客观的辩证统一、公正与效率的辩证统一、共性与个性的辩证统一为原则,在主观方面,坚持心理学上以内心确信无疑为主体、内心确信有疑为补充,逻辑学上依次以排除一切合理怀疑、高度盖然性、优势盖然性为标准进行裁断;在客观方面,以“客观真实”为衡量标准。
The main contents of the reform of trial preceding in economic case is the reform of the system of the evidence . adjustment of the standard of proof in chinese is to built dualistic system for procedural standard of proof . so the proof on the balance of probabilities will be the procedural standard in chinese civil procedure 我国目前正在进行的民事审判方式改革,主要是证据制度方面的改革,以形成符合我国国情的民事证明标准,本文试从对民事证明标准概念,证明标准在证据制度上的意义和证明标准模式的评析,揭示我国奉引的一元制证明标准的弊端,并结合国情,得出我国应建立高度盖然性的民事证明标准的结论,并指出该证明标准在实践中的可行性和相应的配套制度的建设。
Evidence system is one of the most important questions in the civil proceedings and standard of proof is an important question in the evidence system . the civil procedure law applies the standard of " highly probable " in civil litigations . this article points out that it is not reasonable to adopt the " highly probable " standard in all civil litigations . firstly , this article mentions the important meaning of standard of proof in judicial proof . secondly , it pionts out the flaws in the standard of proof in civil litigation in our country . thirdly , it introduces the standard of proof in civil litigation in common law and civil law countries and analyzes the similar and different points in the standard of proof . finally this article points out several suggestions to rebuild the system of standard of proof . lt suggests we should construct a system which considers the " highly probable " standard as a principle and adopts other forms of standard of proof in sepcial civil cases . and we can build this reasonable system by means of legislation and case law 但在所有民事案件中均划一适用较高程度的盖然性作为证明标准是不合理的。文章首先阐明了民事诉讼证明标准在诉讼证明中的重要意义,然后对于我国有关民事诉讼证明标准的现状及其缺陷作了一个概括,接着文章对于两大法系民事诉讼证明标准的异同进行了介绍以及比较分析,最后提出了对于构建一个科学的民事诉讼证明标准体系的几点建议。文章建议应当通过立法以及判例制度来建立一个以较高程度的盖然性为原则的多元的证明标准体系。