white terror 短语和例子 在白色恐怖时期, 许多进步人士成为秘密警察的受害者。 during the reign of the white terror, many progressives fell victim to the secret police
Example Sentences:
This was as close as white terror had ever come to me and my mind reeled . 这一次几乎就象白色恐怖发生在我身上一样,我的头脑眩晕了。
During the reign of the white terror , many progressives fell victim to the secret police . 在白色恐怖时期,许多进步人士成为秘密警察的受害者。
Please use your white terror to destory everything 请用您的白色恐怖摧毁这里的一切吧
This is type everybody panic scene , only can let the person remembered before the white terror 这是什么样的人人恐慌的情景,只能让人想起以前的白色恐怖。
Facing the " white terror " , he worries about the safety of the revolutionary youngsters instead of himself 面对白色恐怖,他不顾自己安危,担心的是革命青年。
The party was young and not mature , and the theoretical level of the members of the party was not high 第五,党处于幼年时期还不成熟,党员的理论水平不高。第六,根据地的白色恐怖。
The sanitary plastic fastfood package discarded casually are hard to be degraded or decomposed , they will lead to a situation expressed in the old term " white terror " 随手扔掉的一次性塑料快餐盒难以风化、难以腐蚀,将会制造另一种意义上的“白色恐怖” 。
The defection of the intermediate class under the white terror . having been under attack during the revolutionary upsurge , the intermediate class deserted to the enemy as soon as the white terror struck 白色恐怖下中间阶级的反水:中间阶级在革命高涨时受到打击,白色恐怖一来,马上反水。
National normal univ is making april 6 the students ' day to commemorate the arrest and disappearance of over 200 students by the police headquarter on apri 6 , 1949 , which marked the start of the white terror era 师?大学给四月初六定做学生日?来纪念一九四九年四月初六学生去乎警备总部掠去关抑是完全失踪?伫历史上算是白色恐怖时代耶开始。