hate injustice like poison; abhor evils [evildoers] as if they were one's personal enemies; hate evil as much as one hates an enemy; hate evil as one does an enemy; hate the wicked like enemies; have an abhorrence of evil
Example Sentences:
In “ run ” the author likewise spurns villains , doling out sympathy to all concerned 同样,作者在其最近出版的新书《奔跑》中也是疾恶如仇,同情弱者。
This lack of consistency is especially obvious among some characters , that is , some of their personalities are changed so enormously that you would wonder if they are the same persons . for instance , in 在第一集里,黄sir大公无私精明冷静疾恶如仇,很难相信这样的一个正人君子会和黑帮人物有密切关系,而且更教唆杀人。