Overview of the blood transfusion malaria 输血性疟疾防治概况
Achievements of malaria control in the last 50 years and prospects in hunan province 湖南省疟疾防治50年成就与展望
Impact of malaria health education on awareness and behavior among minority nationalities in yunnan province 云南省4县少数民族居民疟疾防治知识调查
Now researchers at the swiss tropical institute have developed the program called malaria control dot net 目前瑞士热带研究所研究员称已研制出疟疾防治计划的网点。
The episcopal relief and development organization receives us $ 1 . 5 million grant from usaid in support of its malaria prevention program in angola 美国圣公会救援及发展组织接获美国国际开发总署捐的一百五十万美元补助金,以支持他们在安哥拉的疟疾防治计划。