| 1. | Cases of treating diseases with yang he decoction 阳和汤治疗外科疑难杂症验案4 |
| 2. | Records of effective cases treated from treating the liver 疑难杂症从肝治实录 |
| 3. | Treatment of difficult and complicated diseases by doctor wang jing ' an 王静安治疗疑难杂症经验 |
| 4. | Experiences of huang hailong in treating difficult and complicated cases 黄海龙治疗疑难杂症举隅 |
| 5. | If you still have any question , please contact with us 若您还有任何疑难杂症,请直接与我们联络。 |
| 6. | Thinking and method of tcm syndrome differentiation for difficult and complicated cases 中医辨治疑难杂症的思路与方法 |
| 7. | The experience of professor li guoheng on syndrome differentiation and treatment of aseptic necrosis of femoral head 疑难杂症辨治思路与临证举隅 |
| 8. | Treating difficult and complicated cases based on syndrome differentiation with external treatment of chinese medicine 疑难杂症的中药外治法辨治 |
| 9. | Or perhaps you re often called to check out consumer - grade machines with mysterious symptoms 或者也可能经常要求您检查带有疑难杂症的用户级的机器。 |
| 10. | Even the “ common cold ” is determined as one of ten major difficult and complicated cases 近年连“普通感冒都被世界医学界定为十大疑难杂症之一” 。 |