| 1. | If the traffic flow varies then be patient and wait for a safe gap in the traffic 如车流疏密不定,便应耐心等候,待车辆减疏时才过路。 |
| 2. | Construction of the transition elements between the sparse and dense meshes in the finite element computation 有限元计算中疏密网格间过渡单元的构造 |
| 3. | The main results are as follows : 1 . there are two patterns of annuli characteristics on anal scale 青海湖裸鲤臀鳞上的环纹特征分“疏密型”和“非疏密型”两种。 |
| 4. | Precious tropical trees stand next to the building , help you emphasize your private space 热带珍稀树种与建筑之间,把握疏密、大小关系,强调公共空间通透开阔,强调私人空间细腻隐秘。 |
| 5. | Hainan tower has a total of 116 guestrooms and suites and all are equipped with idd telephones , colour televisions and fridges 大厦共拥有四种不同房型的客房116套,布局疏密有致,满足宾客的不同需要。 |
| 6. | Next , must consider that object physique proportion to be whether accurate , grasps the stratification plane the level relations and the density relations 其次,要考虑物体的形体比例是否准确,把握层面的层次关系和疏密关系。 |
| 7. | He may be said as a venerable elder with immortal strength of character for all his works are ink and wash without any color 他说: “一幅美好的水墨画,浓淡干湿,深浅疏密,高低远近,都能信手挥洒,若以色彩填补,难免有些匠气。 ” |
| 8. | It is also only 3 - minutes walking to the seashore and sculpture garden , where you can enjoy the beautiful beach scene and unique architectural style 极具欧式风格的庭院,布局疏密有致,园林错落鸟语花香,鲜花翠绿给您带来春的气息。 |
| 9. | For the pixel - level generation of parametric curves , we find that the point densities chosen by the existing algorithms are not even along the curves 对于其中的参数曲线的逐点生成,目前的算法在绘制曲线的过程中会出现所绘制点疏密不均的现象。 |
| 10. | Clustering can find out the dense or sparse areas of data distribution , which can help to discover the distribution mode and interesting relationship from data 使用聚类可以发现数据分布的疏密区域,从而找出数据总体的分布模式以及数据间有趣的相互关系。 |