The three well - known floating restaurants anchored in sham wan form an attractive feature in the southern district 停泊在深湾的三艘著名的海上画舫,是南区的一大特色。
The two well - known floating restaurants anchored in sham wan form an attractive feature of the southern district 停泊在深湾的两艘著名的海上画舫,是南区的一大特色之一。
Remnants of the marble boat . after excavation and clearing . the boat - shaped base has been restored to its original form 别有洞天“活画舫”残迹,其基座用青石雕砌成船舫样式。现经挖掘整理,增砌石料舫面。
Its magnificent design , which resembles that of the imperial palace of ancient china , and glamorous decorative lights form beautiful scenery at night 画舫以传统中式宫殿设计,缀以美轮美奂的灯饰,将海面照得灿烂通明,气派非凡。
Eryunke road next to southern buisling or dajitou station to shiqia beicheng station , connected by baomoyuan - bound bus to the garden . baomoyuan is one of guangzhou s 4 most famous gardens and in fact , the largest and the best planned one . it is like a huge amusement park where visitors enjoy pleasant retreats among bridges , ponds , porches and pavilions , by taking a walk or rowing a boat 宝墨园是广东四大名园之一,其中又以宝墨园占地最大,同时也规划得最完善,俨然是一座大型的园林游乐场,可以穿梭在小桥流水亭台楼阁之间,同时又能戏水坐小船游湖,兴之所致,还能在湖中心的画舫中高歌粤曲。
While dining at a floating restaurant , he chances upon a high level triad meeting and notices a family being bullied . enraged by the sight he defeats the bullies using his special kick - eighteen dragon slaying kick . at the same time , he unwittingly takes a gold medal which is a precious trophy of the triad gangs 王小虎谢霆锋饰演身手不凡且具侠义心肠,某日在画舫用膳时因看不过黑社会到处横行霸道欺压债仔,遂与恶霸打起来小虎打交时误打误撞地取去黑帮头子马坤陈观泰饰演的罗刹令,更因此惹上马坤。
Eryunke road ( next to southern buisling ) or dajitou station to shiqia beicheng station , connected by baomoyuan - bound bus to the garden . baomoyuan is one of guangzhou s 4 most famous gardens and in fact , the largest and the best planned one . it is like a huge amusement park where visitors enjoy pleasant retreats among bridges , ponds , porches and pavilions , by taking a walk or rowing a boat 宝墨园是广东四大名园之一,其中又以宝墨园占地最大,同时也规划得最完善,俨然是一座大型的园林游乐场,可以穿梭在小桥流水、亭台楼阁之间,同时又能戏水坐小船游湖,兴之所致,还能在湖中心的画舫中高歌粤曲。