刮: 动词1.(用剃刀剃去) shave 短语和例子刮胡子 shave one's whiskers [beard]2.(去掉表面粘附的或多余的物质) scrape 短语和例子刮锅子 scrape a pot clean; 刮鱼鳞 scale a fish; scrape scales off a fish; 刮油漆 scrape off the paint3.(使光滑、平坦)
干燥: 1.(没有水分或水分很少) dry; arid 短语和例子大便干燥 constipated; costive; 沙漠地区气候很干燥。 the climate is very dry in the desert area.2.(枯燥, 没有趣味) dull; uninteresting 短语和例子干燥无味 dryasdust; dull3.(蒸发去水) drying; sea