| 1. | Electronic ticketing is also known as ticket less travel 电子机票又称无票旅游。 |
| 2. | With our new e - ticket , all you have to bring is yourself 译:选用我们的电子机票,阁下只需带着自己。 |
| 3. | When i select electronic ticketing , when is my credit card billed 若选择使用电子机票,信用卡应于何时付款? |
| 4. | Customers will book tickets through airlines or ticket agents as usual , and will be given a booking reference 电子机票启用后,乘客仍将通过航空公司或票务代理商预定机票,并会得到一个电子客票订单号。 |
| 5. | When completed and validated , the electronic ticket or paper ticket becomes a contract for transportation between a carrier and a passenger 即航空公司与旅客之间的交易合约,可以是纸机票或电子机票。 |
| 6. | As the china air transport association cata has stopped providing paper tickets and instructed sellers to issue e - tickets 中国航空运输协会目前已停止发放纸质机票,并发出通知要求国内机票代理商发售电子机票。 |
| 7. | E - tickets will be issued once the current batch of paper tickets has been used up . the change currently only applies to domestic flights 代理商手中的剩余纸质机票销售完后,电子机票将开始全面普及,但目前只适用于国内航班。 |
| 8. | Electronic tickets ( also known as e - tickets ) are airline tickets without the paper , whereby ticket records are stored in the airline s computer system 电子机票为有效的机票,但所有记绿只储存在航空公司的电脑系统中,并无任何纸张文件。 |
| 9. | Above prices for departure on friday & saturaday by dragonair . electronic ticket , ticket valid for 2 - 4 nights only . non endorsable 以上价钱以每位计算,乘坐港龙航空。星期五、六出发。机票有效期2 - 4晚,使用电子机票。只适用于港龙操作之航班。 |
| 10. | The modernization of the operation of carriage by air : sharing code , opening skies , providing electronic - tickets , protecting the consumer ' s rights and interests are becoming the trend 航空运营现代化:代号共享、天空开放、电子机票、保护消费者权益已成趋势。 |