| 1. | An accommodating magistrate would do the rest 后边的事就由负责安置的法官去办了。 |
| 2. | This book was compiled by ets which offers toefl tests all over the world 本书由负责托福考试的ets机构所编制。 |
| 3. | Not placed directly on those intended to be burdened , greater tendency to shift tax to other bearers 无须由负责纳税人直接承担,较易转嫁与他人。 |
| 4. | Are non - cash negotiable securities in the custody of a person other than the one responsible for cash receipts 非现金的可转让证券是否由负责现金收款人外的其他人员保管? |
| 5. | That is , applicants will be assigned service providers which are serving the districtsvicinities where they reside 换言之,申请人会获安排由负责该区的服务单位提供服务。 |
| 6. | The company s security manager , erika , sees the report filed by the guards responsible for the physical security of the building 公司安全经理erika看到了由负责大楼安全的门卫提交的报告。 |
| 7. | Every work completion certificate shall be signed by the registered electrical worker ( s ) who isare responsible for doing the work 每份完工证明书须由负责进行有关工作的注册电业工程人员签署。 |
| 8. | Matters discussed at the meetings are followed up by the relevant policy panels or the complaints division as appropriate 在会议上讨论的事项会视乎情况交由负责研究有关政策的事务委员会或申诉部跟进处理。 |
| 9. | The agency in charge of uniformly deliberating the draft of a local decree shall present a deliberation result report and the amended draft 地方性法规草案由负责统一审议的机构提出审议结果的报告和草案修改稿。 |