| 1. | Inter - floor reuse of domestic wastewater is an effective measure to improve the efficiency using of water and reduce sewerage drainage 摘要生活废水跨层再利用是提高生活用水效率与减少污水排放量的有效节水措施。 |
| 2. | Although water shortage is a serious problem in our country , water waste still widely exists , especially in agricultural use , which occupies 75 % of the total amount 我国是一个水资源短缺的国家,其中农业用水占总用水量的75以上,但用水效率低下,用水浪费现象普遍存在。 |
| 3. | Rather , the solution would be promote production structure changes among regions or implement inter - basin water transfer projects on the basis of upgrading the efficiency of utilizing irrigation water 解决的办法还在提高灌溉用水效率的基础上,对农业生产进行合理的区域布局或是分批分期地实施跨流域调水工程。 |
| 4. | The evaluation results show that ten indexes ( water quantity per person , utlization of water exploitation , water efficiency in agriculture etc . ) , are key factors of influencing water use in northwest china 评价结果表明,人均水资源量、水资源开发利用率、农业用水效率等十个指标为影响西北水资源可持续利用的关键因素。 |
| 5. | Especially , the growing scarcity of water resources has become a serious threat to the agriculture production . at the same time , unreasonable water management system has resulted in low efficiency of irrigation 在水资源短缺的同时,我区还存在着农业用水浪费严重的现象,许多水资源白白流掉,农业用水效率十分低下。 |
| 6. | As the haihe , huaihe and yellow river basins have already achieved a fairly high level of irrigation basin efficiency , exclusive reliance on upgrading such efficiency is unlikely to achieve balance of irrigation water in these basins 在黄淮海地区,流域灌溉水利用效率已经较高,完全依赖于提高灌溉用水效率也不能实现流域的灌溉水平衡。 |
| 7. | Especially in this century , with an increase in population and the development of economy , china will face the stress coming of water badly , and now is being in dire need of allocating and using water effectively 随着人口的增加和经济的发展, 21世纪的中国将面临更加严重的水资源短缺的压力。如何优化水资源配置,提高用水效率,已成为我国目前急需解决的问题。 |
| 8. | As a result of a weak consciousness of water - saving among people , serious waste of water , low efficiency of water use in industrial and agricultural productions , environmental pollution , and over - exploitation of groundwater , scarcity of water resource in china is serious 由于人们节水意识淡薄、浪费现象严重、农业灌溉与工业用水效率低、环境污染、地下水超采等原因,我国水资源短缺形势极为严峻。 |
| 9. | Several scenarios were formulated and analyzed in this study , the results show that , if irrigation - specific water use efficiency is not improved , water shortage in these basins will amount to 35 - 58 billion m3 in 2020 , equivalent to the average annual amount of water resources in the haihe basin 多方案分析表明,如果不提高灌溉用水效率,黄淮海三流域片将缺水350 - 580亿立方米,相当于海河流域片多年平均水资源量。 |
| 10. | Under the consideration , the author did a comprehensive investigation and study on the situation of agricultural water utilization in our province and found low water price of agricultural irrigation is the main reason which led to a low efficiency utilization of water resources 基于这点考虑,作者对我区的农业用水状况进行了全面的调查和了解,发现因农业用水水价严重偏低而导致的农业用水效率过低是现状水资源管理中最突出的问题。 |