You are all to come to pemberley at christmas 欢迎你们到彭伯里来圣诞节。你的甥女。
Gene : gee , she ' s made quite a mess . naughty niece 金:啊,她把东西弄得乱七八糟。这甥女真顽皮!
My dear niece , 亲爱的甥女:
Sonya , said the countess , raising her head from her letter , as her niece passed by her “索尼娅, ”伯爵夫人在外甥女从身旁经过时,从信上抬起头来说。
For this purpose family members include first cousins , aunts , uncles , nieces , nephews or grandparents 这家庭成员包括堂表兄弟姐妹姑妈姨妈伯父叔父舅父侄女甥女外甥或祖父母外祖父母。
The next day , when the bride s uncle is going to leave the village with his niece , the villagers , especially young people , come to say good - bye to them 第二天,新娘舅舅带着自己的甥女要离开新郎寨子的时候,新郎寨子的乡邻们,特别是青年男女,夹道恭送。
The world has been deceived in that respect ; and , i am happy to say , there will be some little money , even when all his debts are discharged , to settle on my niece , in addition to her own fortune 一般人都把这件事弄错了。甥女除了自己名下的钱以外,等韦翰把债务偿清以后,还可以多些钱并给她,这使我很高兴。
Mrs . gardiner s caution to elizabeth was punctually and kindly given on the first favourable opportunity of speaking to her alone ; after honestly telling her what she thought , she thus went on 嘉丁纳太太一碰到有适当的机会和伊丽莎白单独谈话,总是善意地对外甥女进行忠告,把心里的话老老实实讲了出来,然后又接下去说:
My nieces then confessed that while in that room , they always felt as if they were being watched and our son , who was later in that room after my brother and his family left and before we told him about the head , said he felt as if he was being watched as well 而外甥女此时无忌地说当她们在自己那间屋子里时,老感觉是有什么在一直盯着自己,在我弟弟全家走了以后,我儿子就搬到了她们房间,他也说好像是感觉到老有什么在一直看着自己,而这时我和丈夫都没有告诉他关于那颗头的故事。