| 1. | I can't give anybody a clear title . 我不可能给人家一张没有瓜葛的地契。 |
| 2. | I want no part in this sordid business . 我不想和这一肮脏勾当有任何瓜葛。 |
| 3. | He 's got mixed up with speculators . 他跟投机倒把分子有瓜葛。 |
| 4. | You have nothing to do with all that time that has gone . 你跟往昔毫无瓜葛。 |
| 5. | Her journey was rather an expression of her independence of the old world . 她这次的旅行倒是表示她与旧世界毫无瓜葛。 |
| 6. | He has never had anything to do with another woman since he got married . 自从他结婚以来,他还没同任何其他女人有瓜葛。 |
| 7. | Fred played tennis with her, and took her to show and such, but with no complication . 莱德陪她一块儿打网球,领她去看戏等等,不过并没什么瓜葛。 |
| 8. | I thought it disgusting that a man of his age should concern himself with affairs of the heart . 我认为象他这样年纪的人再牵扯到这种爱情瓜葛中未免令人作呕。 |
| 9. | One of his books is a bitter attack on the french academy, to which he never belonged . 他著有一本激烈抨击法兰西学院的书,可是他同这个学院从来没有什么瓜葛。 |
| 10. | Believe me, that whatever unhappy circumstances may have connected you with george staunton, the sooner you break them through the better . 请相信我,不论你同乔治斯汤顿之间有什么不愉快的瓜葛,你把它割断得越早越好。 |