Cai and her brother decided it was an good opportunity 刘表的夫人蔡氏和其兄蔡瑁早有杀害刘备之心。
He feigns drunk during the banquet and lets jiang share his bed with him . this provides the latter the opportunity to steal a document from him , purportedly a letter from two admirals of cao cao indicating their intention to defect to the wu camp 孙吴都督周瑜略施小计,设下群英会宴蒋,并借蒋之手盗去假造之曹营水军都督蔡瑁、张允之反书,曹果中计,怒斩蔡、张二人。
Miss momo mashaw is a native craftswoman living in a mountainous area of formosa . seeing that the local youngsters with handicaps usually have few opportunities to find employment , she began a program to teach them traditional crafts and provide them with psychological counseling services so that they would have a chance for a better future 瑁瑁玛邵原住民发音是一位原住民艺术家,她有感于原住民残障青少年经常求职无门,因此计画教他们学习传统技艺,并给予心理辅导,希望他们能有较好的发展。