jade halls -- palaces in the moon; a fabulously rich residence; a magnificent building; a richly decorated jade palace; a splendid [magnificent] building; the marble halls
Example Sentences:
During the night , thousands of river lamps turn the river into a " milky way " , where colorfully - decorated boats are gliding past under a sky lit up by fireworks 入夜,松花江上万盏河灯似银河流淌,向远方的朋友送去祝福。夜空中:盛开的礼花与江上琼楼玉宇般的彩船交相辉映,令人陶醉。
Traditionally , taoism attaches great importance to the spiritual connotation of its architectures and taoist temples have been given a holy symbolic position in that they are viewed as the imitation of inhabitance of the spirits and gods in taoist doctrine , which usually are richly decorated 道教历来重视宗教建筑的精神价值,宫观建筑在道教发展史上具有重要地位,是道教文化的外在表现。按照道教自身特有的观念,道教建筑被赋予了崇高的象征意义,是对神仙所居的琼楼玉宇诸般仙境的模拟。