Chilling winds swept beneath the door-sills and rattled the loose window-panes with a monotonous tinkling sound . 寒冷的风从门缝里钻进来,把那松动的窗玻璃刮得单调地琅琅作响。
Then they heard other explosions. the earth shook and the glass in the panes shivered and came down . 然后他们又听到几声轰然的巨响,大地抖动,连窗上的玻璃也震得琅琅作声,纷纷碎落。
Laughter filled the air and there was no end to our happy exchanges 我们的展示摊柜始终保持盛况,琅琅笑声欢愉对话不绝于耳。
All were silently crossing themselves , nothing was audible but the reading of the service , the subdued , deep bass singing , and in the intervals of silence sighs could be heard and the shuffling of feet 大家都沉默不言,用手画着十字,只听见琅琅祈祷声圆浑而低沉的唱诗声以及静默时移动足步的响声和叹息声。