| 1. | Your ball is on the path on the right hand side 你的球在右手边的球车路上。 |
| 2. | Golfers shall be responsible and pay for any damage to the cart when driving 二、球车在使用过程中因人为因素造成损坏,球手须负责赔偿。 |
| 3. | Please be aware of your caddie and driving the cart after caddie said “ ok ” 一、球手开动球车时请注意球童的安全,待球童上稳车说“ ok ”后方可开车。 |
| 4. | The club reserves the right to require every golfer to use a cart and to use single bag or dubble bags 球会保留要求每一位客人使用球车及安排杆弟单包双包的权利。 |
| 5. | Golf carts must only be driven and parked on the card path , children under the age of 18 are not permitted to drive 三、球车必须按规定路线行驶、停放, 18岁以下儿童不允许驾驶球车。 |
| 6. | Shortly after lunch , master arrived in a new golf cart and soon everyone surrounded her with joy and an outpouring of love for her 午餐后不久,师父驾着新高尔夫球车翩然到来,大家马上欣喜地围绕在她身边,倾述对她的思念之情。 |
| 7. | Please keep your valuables , don ' t overlosd , each golf cart only 2 golfers , 2caddies and 2 golf bags are permitted , be careful when driving across 四、请保管好贵重物品,球车不可超载,每车不超过两名球手,两名球童,两个球包,交叉线小心行驶。 |
| 8. | If the player removes the cart and does not play a stroke while standing on it , does he nevertheless incur a penalty for a breach of rule 13 - 3 如果这名球员移动了球车,但只是站在上面,还没有打出一杆,他仍然还会因为违反规则13 - 3而被罚一杆吗? |
| 9. | At last the relatively attitude can be measured by the transformation between vehicle body coordinate system and the world coordinate system of n light points . the algorithm can be confirmed by the result of simulation 最后利用n个光点在车体坐标系和世界坐标系下的坐标转换,解出月球车的相对姿态,并给出了仿真结果。 |