| 1. | Nothing was cured by the shooting . 开枪杀人并不能改善任何现状。 |
| 2. | He is not fatuously content with existing conditions . 他不会愚昧地满于现状的。 |
| 3. | We are not content to stand still . 我们不满足现状。 |
| 4. | But many women are dissatisfied with the current situation . 但是许多妇女并不满足现状。 |
| 5. | She takes life as it comes . 她安于生活现状。 |
| 6. | When a company's business is down, it's inclined to sit tight . 当公司业务不振时,它倾向于保持现状。 |
| 7. | These days, molecular biologists are anything but smug . 现在,分子生物学家们是无论如何也不安于现状了。 |
| 8. | She replied that she was quite contented and wished nothing different . 她回答说她完全满足于现状,不再想望别的什么。 |
| 9. | It served to make him rebellious and hence lethargic at times . 这种情况引起他对现状的反抗心理,有时候便老是没精打采。 |
| 10. | Predictably, they objected to anything they saw as rocking the boat . 可以预见的是,他们反对一切自认为是扰乱现状的事情。 |