| 1. | School of modern languages and cultures 现代语文及文化学院 |
| 2. | The largest shortcoming of modern chinese education is the lack of literature 现代语文教育最大的不足,就是文学氛围的淡薄。 |
| 3. | Ancient language teaching materials in the field of vision of modern theories of education in language 现代语文教育理论视野下的古代语文教材 |
| 4. | A pioneer of educational research on modern chinese - a survery of gu huang - chu reasearch on modern chinese educational history 顾黄初先生现代语文教育史研究述评 |
| 5. | The thesis expects chinese teachers will improve the quality structure adapting to the modem chinese educational trend 通过本文的论述,企望为广大语文教师适应现代语文教育趋势,提高自身素质结构进一臂之力。 |
| 6. | Because of some erroneous tendency in understanding of chinese education resulted from certain causes , our modern chinese textbooks develop in a winding way 由于某些原因导致的对语文教育认识的偏颇,我国现代语文教材经历了曲折的发展。 |
| 7. | According with the idea of the present chinese teaching , i hold that it is possible to introduce aesthetic and personality education into the classical chinese teaching 我以为在与现代语文教学观念相一致的前提下,文言文教学引进审美教育、人格教育的理念是可行的。 |
| 8. | 二 、 the necessity of adopting such an idea in modem chinese teaching - this is the demand of adapting the trend of the times , the ineluctability of the development of chinese teaching , the requirement of quality education , and the request of the essence of chinese teaching 第二部分:现代语文教育树立以人为本教育观念的必然性? ?这是适应时代潮流的需要,是语文教育发展的必然,是实施素质教育所必须,也是语文学科本质所要求的。 |
| 9. | The main goal of this study is , putting e - education into the system of chinese education to study the negative effects that influenced the important aspects of the system of chinese education such as chinese cognition , communication between teachers and students and wide chinese environment , utilizing theories such as education psychology , e - education , transmission theory and modern chinese education , applying education research methods such as literature & information , cases analysis , comparative research and investigation study 研究的总体思路是:将现代教育技术置于现代语文教育系统之中,以教育心理学、现代教育技术学、传播学和现代语文教育学等理论,综合运用文献资料法、案例分析、比较研究、调查法等教育研究方法,研究对语文认知、师生交往和大语文环境等几个语文教育系统的重要方面产生的负面影响。 |
| 10. | They are as follows : the comparison of ye and zhang ' s contemporary chinese ideologies ; the comparison of their traditional chinese pedagogical ideologies ; the comparison of their viewpoints on chinese teaching materials ; the comparison of their viewpoints on reading instruction ; the comparison of their viewpoints on writing instruction . there are six sections in the part of the comparison of their contemporary pedagogical ideologies . they are as follows : 1 这五小节分别是:叶圣陶、张志公现代语文教育观比较,传统语文教育观比较,语文教材观比较,阅读教学观比较,作文教学观比较。在现代语文教育观比较中,笔者又将此分为六小点: 1 、对语文学科性质的认识。 |