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Chinese translation for "玄武岩浆"

basalt magma
basaltic magma

Related Translations:
紫苏玄武岩:  alboranitehypersthene basalt
玄武岩地板:  basalt meal
玄武岩角闪石:  basaltic hornblendebasaltineoxyhornblende
高地玄武岩:  high land basalthighland basalt
玄武岩土壤:  basaltic soil
风化玄武岩:  decayed basalt
熔铸玄武岩:  fused basaltfusion cake
玄武岩穹隆:  basalt dome
镁辉玄武岩:  miyakite(mijakite
椭球状玄武岩:  ellipsoidal basalt
Example Sentences:
1.Basaltic lava first erupted from the center and built up the volcano
2.On the basis of formers " research results , the paper systemistically discuss some characteristics of emeishan basalts " petro - geochemistry and magma activation
3.Secondly , based on the microbeam analytical technique , on the one hand , through investigating the characteristic of major elements in the mantle minerals the author acquired the static information from mantle ; on the other hand , through multi - point analysis of a part of the minerals from mantle , the auther got dynamic information from mantle . finally , generalizating the fruits of this study and predecessors , the autor holds that the constituents of lithospheric mantle possibly includes spinel lherzolites , clinopyroxenites , websterite , dunite , harzburgites , garnet lherzite , phlogopite lherzite , eclogites , clinopyroxene megacrysts ; compared with east china and north china platform , the research field mantle shows the characteristics of higher degree of partial melting processes and more depleted mantle ; the . upper mantle beneath north hetian area is heterogeneous , with a tendency of deficit in a12o3 and lree from kaliyang in west hetian to the river basin of kalakshi river and yulongkashi river ; the subduction of the crust beneath north hetian has ever occurred in geological history and caused the mixing of mantle - crust ; the depth of the origination of basaltic magmas beneath north hetian exceeds 73km ; the thickness of the lithosphere beneath the research area amounts to 204 . 9km ; the mantle beneath north hetian has geological condtions for forming diamond deposits
最后,综合本区幔源矿物和地幔岩石的特征以及地球物理资料,得出如下结论:本区上地幔的物质组成有尖晶石二辉橄榄岩、二辉岩、单斜辉石岩、纯橄榄岩、方辉橄榄岩、石榴石二辉橄榄岩、金云母二辉橄榄岩、榴辉岩;与中国东部以及华北地台上地幔相比,研究区上地幔具有富集主元素中相容元素和亏损其中的不相容元素的特征,局部熔融程度较高;上地幔存在横向和纵向的不均一性,从西部的克里阳到喀拉喀什河和玉龙喀什河流域, al和lree富集程度呈下降趋势,不同来源的相同矿物中主元素的含量差异较大;地质历史时期这里可能发生过地壳俯冲并产生壳幔混合作用;玄武岩浆的起源深度73km ;从幔源重砂矿物的温压估算结果,可以推断出岩石圈厚度可达204 . 9km ;综合岩石圈物质组成特征、岩石圈热状态、地幔温压状态、氧逸度以及幔源岩石和幔源矿物的化学成分,认为研究区具备了金刚石成矿地幔地质条件。
4.Based on the petrological , petrochemical and geochemical analyses about these rocks , it is concluded in this paper that the xenoliths were originated from the upper mantle , and comprised of both primitive pyrolite and the infusible solid residual of the upper pyrolite while the basaltic magma was melted out of it , which were brought up to the earth ' s surface via o1carnc eruption
5.The control of the deep - seated structural - magmatic process over the metallogenic system around the middle - lower yangtze river reaches is shown as : ( 1 ) the mantle uplift belt is closely related to the general geological background of the metallogenic system ; ( 2 ) the primitive magma originated from different parts of the mantle uplift belt ( mantle ridge or mantle slope ) shows differences in style of formation and composition and results in different magmatic series and metallogenic subzones , respectively ; ( 3 ) the varying depths of structural - magmatic chambers may form a " three - layered structure " ( central type , network - like and ring - like ) and this is the primary factor that controls the different magmatic series and the concerned cluster of ore deposits ; ( 4 ) the alkaline basaltic magma derived from the mantle ridge forms high - potassium and calcium alkaline magma and shoshonitic magma due to its altering intensity of afc process with the lower crustal material , which has something to do with the copper - gold and iron - sulphur metallogenic subsystems , respectively
深部构造岩浆作用对长江中下游成矿带安徽沿江地区成矿系统的控制表现为: ( 1 )地幔隆起带与成矿系统的总体地质背景的演变密切相关; ( 2 )源于地幔隆起带不同部位(幔脊与幔坡)的原始岩浆,其生成方式和物质组成不尽相同,它们分别产生相应的不同岩浆岩系列和成矿亚带; ( 3 )不同深度的构造岩浆房组成中心式网格式环带式“三层结构” ,是控制区内不同岩浆岩系列及有关矿床集中分布的主要因素; ( 4 )源于地幔隆起带脊部的碱性玄武岩浆,由于与下地壳物质发生的afc作用强度不同,形成了高钾钙碱性岩浆和橄榄安粗岩浆,分别与铜、金成矿亚系统和铁、硫成矿亚系统有关。
6.Cu - ni sulfided mine complex locate in baimazai of jinping county is sub alkali iron - super iron , it ' s zoning is clear and it ' s ni - cu - co melting first and enrichment , its rare earth is rich in right lean light rare earth , but eu in olive rock is serious to be bad , gd - tb is tittles negative abnormity . above - mentioned show that the mineral is cone from mantle , and didn " t mix with crustal substance , and continent tholeiite magma turning into continent tholeiite emplacement after by surging
金平白马寨铜镍硫化矿床杂岩体分带明显、属亚碱性铁质-超铁质岩、具ni - cu - co三元素先熔离,后富集的规律、稀土配分为右倾斜轻稀土富集型,但橄榄岩铕亏损显著, gd - tb微小负异常,显示成矿物质来源地幔,与地壳物质无混染和大陆拉斑玄武岩浆上涌后变为大洋拉斑玄武岩浆侵位特点。
7.There are three genetic types of mineral deposits in the beiya ore district : cu - au polymetallic deposits related to alkaline porphyries , comprising porphyritic cu - au deposits and polymetallic skarn deposits related to quartz - albite porphyry and quartz - k - feldspar porphyry ; fe - au deposits related to gabbro or basalt magma , consisting of magmatic fe - au deposits and sedimentary polymetallic deposits formed in caves and lakes ; and palaeo - placers formed at the weathering surface , in lakes and in karsts
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