Wolf preys on various animals, securing some by craft, some by strength, and some by fleetness . 狼捕食各种动物,有的用狡计,有的用强力,有的靠捷速。
What is the guile of hegelian reason ? how to answer this one question 什么是黑格尔的理性的狡计?怎么回答这一问题?
After all this long journey , and after all we d done for them scoundrels , here it was all come to nothing , everything all busted up and ruined , because they could have the heart to serve jim such a trick as that , and make him a slave again all his life , and amongst strangers , too , for forty dirty dollars 经过了这么一段长途跋涉中的种种辛苦,在这一段时间里,我们又如此这般地为这两个流氓尽心尽力,却落得个白白辛苦了一场,什么样的打算都砸了锅,全都给毁了。这全只是因为这些人心肠这么狠,竟然使出了这样的狡计,叫他又一次成为了终身的黑奴,并且是在他乡异地。