[ húqúngǒudǎng ] an evil lot [bunch]; a bad lot; a bunch of rascals [petty politicians]; a company of evildoers [mean fellows]; a desicable gang; a gang of scoundrels; an evil; a pack of wolves [rogues]; a set of rogues; disreputable gang
Example Sentences:
Donna said that her brother and all his stupid friends were talking about - 多娜他哥哥以及狐群狗党们都在谈论-
Donna said that her brother and all his stupid friends were talking about - - 多娜他哥哥以及狐群狗党们都在谈论- -
And alcibiades , and all the other little disciple dogs joining in the fray 亚尔西比亚得斯alcibides和其他所有的狐群狗党的弟子们都加入作乱!