be zigzag; arranged in crisscross pattern; be very close to and interlocked with; interlocked like dog's teeth; interlocking; jigsaw-like; of jigsaw pattern; rough dentation 短语和例子 犬牙交错的战争 jigsaw pattern warfare; 形成犬牙交错的状态 form a jagged, interlocking pattern
挪威海岸线的犬牙交错状: the deeindentations of the norwegian coastline
Example Sentences:
And in the marginal area, the gap, were the peculiar tensions that birthed the dream . 两种势力犬牙交错的领域,是双方的必争之地,关系特别紧张。
The little sailing vessel rolled and swung down the center of the passage between the jagged rows of greengrey rocks . 小帆船翻滚起伏在犬牙交错的灰绿色礁石中间的水道里。
The british coastline, indented with innumerable inlets, is over two thousand miles in circumference, without including ireland . 大不列颠的海岸线犬牙交错,有着无数的海湾,周围长达两千余英里,还不包括爱尔兰在内。
There are long indented coastlines in the south sea 在南海有犬牙交错的海岸线。
News right and private right form a jagged , interlocking pattern , between which haven ' t gap and buffer zone 新闻权和隐私权之间是一种呈犬牙交错咬合状态的关系,两种权利之间没有空隙和缓冲地带。
Now , at this angle of vision , there was nothing but the ground , far , far below , and jagged boulders set there like teeth 现在,从这个角度看下去,底下只是遥不可及的地面,布满了犬牙交错的巨砾。
The marquesas are among the largest groups of islands in french polynesia . jagged mountains and steep cliffs make up most of the landscape 玛贵斯群岛在法属波利尼西亚群岛的最大的一个岛群中。犬牙交错的群山和陡峭的悬崖构成了这里大部分的地貌。
Mz , a , sk , kg and sc / d ( ratio of the sum of silt and clay to sand ) of fluvio - lacustrine , palaeosols and aeolian sands constitute an interlocking , multi - fluctuation process curve with peak and valle y values : the < & value of mz , o and sk values often increase accordingly from aeolian sands to its overlying fluvio - lacustrine facies or / and palaesols , the kg value heightens , too , and the sc / d value also basically consists with its change steps 河湖相和古土壤与风成砂的mz 、 、 sk 、 kg以及sc d (粉砂粘土之和与砂的比值)构成一峰谷交替、犬牙交错的锯齿状多波动过程线:常常是由风成砂至上覆河湖相或和古土壤, mz的值、 、 sk值相应增大, kg相应增高, sc d值亦与之变化步骤基本一致。